Submit your poem or song here to claim a spot on the next Fresh Heat Open Mic line up!
The theme for February’s Fresh Heat is “Origin Stories.” We are all shaped by the people, places, cultures, communities, and dreams we grew up with. This month we want you to share your story of how you became you. Whether this is family history or your superhero (or villain) era backstory, we want to hear your stories! Below are some prompts to help inspire you if you get stuck. Whether your poem/song is on theme or not, come out and perform at Fresh Heat! |
THS SLAM TEAM PROMPT A: "dEAR br" BY ch, km, & js
In “Dear BR,” the poets talk about what it is like to grow up as teenagers in Baton Rouge. Drawing on their personal memories and using descriptive language, the poets show the good and bad experiences of growing up in “Jigga City.”
Using “Dear BR” as an example, write about what it was like growing up in your hometown or another place that is important to you. What are some of the lessons you learned? What are some of the positive things about the city? What about the not so positive things? Be sure to get descriptive so we can really imagine what it is like to live there! |
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THS SLAM TEAM PROMPT B: "My Name" by Sandra Cisneros
In “My Name,” the speaker of the poem tells the story of how she got her name. She talks about what it means to her family, what it means to people at school, and also what she would like it to mean. In the poem, she imagines a new name that has a new meaning.
Using “My Name” as an example, write about the meaning of your name. How did you get your name? Is there a family story connected to it? Would you change your name? If so, what would you change it too? |
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THS SLAM TEAM PROMPT C: "Superpower" by Ariana Brown
In “Superpower,” Ariana Brown writes about how her ability to love even when it is not always valued is her superpower.
What is your superpower? This can be a trait about yourself (smile, ability to see the good in others, etc) or imaginary (ability to read minds, invisibility, etc.) How did you get your superpowers? How do you use them? How do they benefit you? Has anyone tried to use your superpower for their own benefit? |