American Educational Research Association. (2012). AERA resolution regarding the repeal of Arizona HB 2281. Retrieved from
Anyon, Y., Brink, K., Crawford, M., Fernandez, M., Hofstedt, M., Osberg, J., & Karen, S. (2007) (Eds.). Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning-YELL: A Handbook for Program Staff, Teachers, and Community Leaders. John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities. Curriculum. PDF. Retrieved from
Appadurai, A. (2006). The right to research. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 4(2), 167-177.
Appleman, D. (2014). Critical encounters in secondary English: Teaching literacy theory to adolescents. Teachers College Press.
Barron, B. & Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning: A Review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative learning.” Edutopia.
Beauchamp, C. (2015). Reflection in teacher education: issues emerging from a review of current literature. Reflective Practice, 16(1), 123-141.
Biermeier, M. (2015). Inspired by Reggio Emilia: Emergent curriculum in relationship-driven learning environments. Retrieved from
Boggs, G. L. (2012). The next American revolution: Sustainable activism for the twenty-first century. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Brown, B. (2015). Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Penguin.
Chisholm, A., & Spencer, B. (2017). Let’s Get Moving!: Eight Ways to Teach Information Literacy Using Kinesthetic Activities. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 5(1), 26-34.
Cisneros, Sandra. (1989). The House On Mango Street. New York : Vintage Books.
Condliffe, B., Quint, J., Visher, M.G., Bangser, M.R., Srohojowska, S., Saco, L., & Nelson, E. (2017). “Project-based learning: A Literature review working paper” MDRC.
Cooper, D. A., Torres, A., Weinstein, S., and West, A. Posing problems in social justice pedagogy with Humanities Amped. In Ed. Neal Lester, Strategies and Perspectives on Social Justice Work. New York: Modern Languages Association. In press.
Costello, B., Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2010). Restorative circles in schools: Building community and enhancing learning. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Costello, B., Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2009). The restorative practices handbook for teachers, disciplinarians and administrators. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Culham, R. (2019). Traits of Writing Scoring Guide. Retrieved from Scoring Guide Teacher.pdf
Dolan, J. (2001). Performance, utopia, and the “Utopian Performative.” Theatre
Journal, 53(3), 455-479.
Dotterweich, J. (2015). Positive Youth Development 101: A Curriculum for Youth Work Professionals. ACT for Youth Center of Excellence at Cornell University.
Duncan-Andrade, J., and Morrell, E. (2008) The art of critical pedagogy: The promise of moving from theory to practice in urban schools. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Emdin, C. (2016). Seven Cs for effective teaching. Educational Leadership, 71(1), n.p. Retrieved from
Fine, M. (2008) An epilogue, of sorts. In Cammarota, J. & M. Fine (Eds.), Revolutioning education: Youth participatory action research in motion. (213-234). New York, NY: Routledge.
Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.
Freire, P., & Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the word and the world. Routledge.
Fronius, T., H. Persson S. Guckenburg N. Hurley, A. Petrosino (2016). Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: A Research Review. San Francisco, CA: WestED.
Fujiyoshi et. al. Justice-Centered Teaching Tips and Practices from Ten
Successful Urban Educators
Ginwright, S. (2003). Youth organizing: Expanding possibilities for youth development. Funders Collaborative for Youth Organizing. Retrieved from
Ginwright, S. (2010). Black youth rising: Activism and radical healing in urban America. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Ginwright, S. (2016). Hope and healing in urban education: How urban activists and teachers are reclaiming matters of the heart. New York, NY: Routledge.
Harding, V. (2014). Civility, history, and hope/Interviewer: Krista Tippett. On Being. Retrieved from
hooks. b. (1995). Killing rage: Ending racism. New York: H. Holt and Co.
Kirshner, B. & Ginwright, S. (2012). Youth organizing as a developmental context for African American and Latino adolescents. Child Development Perspectives, 0(0), 1-7. Retrieved from
Kumashiro, K. (2009). Against common sense: Teaching and learning toward social justice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American educational research journal, 32(3), 465-491.
Ladson-Billings, G. (2014). Culturally relevant pedagogy 2.0: aka the remix. Harvard Educational Review, 84(1), 74-84.
Leland, M. (2015). Mindfulness and Student Success. Journal of Adult Education, 44(1), 19-24.
Liu, K. (2015). Critical reflection as a framework for transformative learning in teacher education. Educational Review, 67(2), 135-157.
Macdonald, S., Headlam, N., & Centre for Local Economic Strategies. (2008). Research methods handbook: Introductory guide to research methods for social research. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
Madison, D. S. (1999). Performance, personal narrative, and the politics of possibilities:
Visions and revisions. In The Future of Performance Studies: Visions and Revisions.
Annandale, VA: National Communication Association.
McIntyre, A. (2000). Constructing meaning about violence, school, and community: Participatory action research with urban youth. The Urban Review, 32(2), 123-154.
Michna, Catherine. (2009). “Stories at the center: Story circles, educational organizing, and fate of neighborhood public schools in New Orleans.” American Quarterly, 61(3), 529-555.
Mobley, K., & Fisher, S. (2014). Ditching the desks: Kinesthetic learning in college classrooms. The Social Studies, 105(6), 301- 309. doi:10.1080/00377996.2014.951471
National Board, (2016). What teachers know and should be able to do. Second Edition.
Retrieved from
National Council of Teachers of English. (2010). Preparing, inducting and retaining English Language Arts teachers. Retrieved from
National Education Association. (2014). Time for a change: Diversity in teaching revisited.
Retrieved from
Program of Intergroup Relations. (2016) "Debate vs. Dialogue vs. Discussion." University of Michigan Edward Ginsberg Center. The Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning
Public Science Project. (2014). Participatory action research as public science. Retrieved from
Randels, J. (2005) “The story circle.” Education Week.
Rich, A. (1993). From What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics. Parnassus: Poetry in Review, 18/19(2/1), 9.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. (2012). Performing queer Latinidad: Dance, sexuality,
politics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Rodgers, C. R. (2002). Seeing student learning: Teacher change and the role of reflection. Harvard educational review, 72(2), 230.
Saidi, A., N. Mullen, M. Danishand & J. Lee (2015). Detroit Future Schools Guide to humanizing schooling. Detroit, MI: Detroit Future Schools & Allied Media Projects.
Shams, L., & Seitz, A. R. (2008). Benefits of multisensory learning. Trends in cognitive sciences, 12(11), 411-417.
Smolcic, E., & Katunich, J. (2017). Teachers crossing borders: A review of the research into cultural immersion field experience for teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 62, 47-59.
Taylor, E. W. (2017). Transformative learning theory. In Transformative learning meets bildung (pp. 17-29). SensePublishers, Rotterdam.
Torre, M.E., Fine, M., Stoudt, B. & Fox, M. (2012). Critical participatory action research as public science. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Volume 2 (171-184). American Psychological Association.
West, A. (2017). “In the school, not of the school:” Co-performing critical literacies with English Amped. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Wittrup, A. R., Hussain, S. B., Albright, J. N., Hurd, N. M., Varner, F. A., & Mattis, J. S. (2019). Natural mentors, racial pride, and academic engagement among black adolescents: Resilience in the context of perceived discrimination. Youth & Society, 51(4), 463-483.
Wong, N. T., Zimmerman, M. A., & Parker, E. A. (2010). A typology of youth participation and empowerment for child and adolescent health promotion. American journal of community psychology, 46(1-2), 100-114.
Zeiser, K., Scholz, C., & Cirks, V. (2018) Maximizing student agency: Implementing and measuring student-centered learning practices. Boston: American Institutes for Research.
Zeldin, S., Krauss, S. E., Collura, J., Lucchesi, M., & Sulaiman, A. H. (2014). Conceptualizing and measuring youth–adult partnership in community programs: A cross national study. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(3-4), 337-347.
Anyon, Y., Brink, K., Crawford, M., Fernandez, M., Hofstedt, M., Osberg, J., & Karen, S. (2007) (Eds.). Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning-YELL: A Handbook for Program Staff, Teachers, and Community Leaders. John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities. Curriculum. PDF. Retrieved from
Appadurai, A. (2006). The right to research. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 4(2), 167-177.
Appleman, D. (2014). Critical encounters in secondary English: Teaching literacy theory to adolescents. Teachers College Press.
Barron, B. & Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning: A Review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative learning.” Edutopia.
Beauchamp, C. (2015). Reflection in teacher education: issues emerging from a review of current literature. Reflective Practice, 16(1), 123-141.
Biermeier, M. (2015). Inspired by Reggio Emilia: Emergent curriculum in relationship-driven learning environments. Retrieved from
Boggs, G. L. (2012). The next American revolution: Sustainable activism for the twenty-first century. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Brown, B. (2015). Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Penguin.
Chisholm, A., & Spencer, B. (2017). Let’s Get Moving!: Eight Ways to Teach Information Literacy Using Kinesthetic Activities. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 5(1), 26-34.
Cisneros, Sandra. (1989). The House On Mango Street. New York : Vintage Books.
Condliffe, B., Quint, J., Visher, M.G., Bangser, M.R., Srohojowska, S., Saco, L., & Nelson, E. (2017). “Project-based learning: A Literature review working paper” MDRC.
Cooper, D. A., Torres, A., Weinstein, S., and West, A. Posing problems in social justice pedagogy with Humanities Amped. In Ed. Neal Lester, Strategies and Perspectives on Social Justice Work. New York: Modern Languages Association. In press.
Costello, B., Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2010). Restorative circles in schools: Building community and enhancing learning. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Costello, B., Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2009). The restorative practices handbook for teachers, disciplinarians and administrators. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.
Culham, R. (2019). Traits of Writing Scoring Guide. Retrieved from Scoring Guide Teacher.pdf
Dolan, J. (2001). Performance, utopia, and the “Utopian Performative.” Theatre
Journal, 53(3), 455-479.
Dotterweich, J. (2015). Positive Youth Development 101: A Curriculum for Youth Work Professionals. ACT for Youth Center of Excellence at Cornell University.
Duncan-Andrade, J., and Morrell, E. (2008) The art of critical pedagogy: The promise of moving from theory to practice in urban schools. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Emdin, C. (2016). Seven Cs for effective teaching. Educational Leadership, 71(1), n.p. Retrieved from
Fine, M. (2008) An epilogue, of sorts. In Cammarota, J. & M. Fine (Eds.), Revolutioning education: Youth participatory action research in motion. (213-234). New York, NY: Routledge.
Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.
Freire, P., & Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the word and the world. Routledge.
Fronius, T., H. Persson S. Guckenburg N. Hurley, A. Petrosino (2016). Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: A Research Review. San Francisco, CA: WestED.
Fujiyoshi et. al. Justice-Centered Teaching Tips and Practices from Ten
Successful Urban Educators
Ginwright, S. (2003). Youth organizing: Expanding possibilities for youth development. Funders Collaborative for Youth Organizing. Retrieved from
Ginwright, S. (2010). Black youth rising: Activism and radical healing in urban America. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Ginwright, S. (2016). Hope and healing in urban education: How urban activists and teachers are reclaiming matters of the heart. New York, NY: Routledge.
Harding, V. (2014). Civility, history, and hope/Interviewer: Krista Tippett. On Being. Retrieved from
hooks. b. (1995). Killing rage: Ending racism. New York: H. Holt and Co.
Kirshner, B. & Ginwright, S. (2012). Youth organizing as a developmental context for African American and Latino adolescents. Child Development Perspectives, 0(0), 1-7. Retrieved from
Kumashiro, K. (2009). Against common sense: Teaching and learning toward social justice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American educational research journal, 32(3), 465-491.
Ladson-Billings, G. (2014). Culturally relevant pedagogy 2.0: aka the remix. Harvard Educational Review, 84(1), 74-84.
Leland, M. (2015). Mindfulness and Student Success. Journal of Adult Education, 44(1), 19-24.
Liu, K. (2015). Critical reflection as a framework for transformative learning in teacher education. Educational Review, 67(2), 135-157.
Macdonald, S., Headlam, N., & Centre for Local Economic Strategies. (2008). Research methods handbook: Introductory guide to research methods for social research. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
Madison, D. S. (1999). Performance, personal narrative, and the politics of possibilities:
Visions and revisions. In The Future of Performance Studies: Visions and Revisions.
Annandale, VA: National Communication Association.
McIntyre, A. (2000). Constructing meaning about violence, school, and community: Participatory action research with urban youth. The Urban Review, 32(2), 123-154.
Michna, Catherine. (2009). “Stories at the center: Story circles, educational organizing, and fate of neighborhood public schools in New Orleans.” American Quarterly, 61(3), 529-555.
Mobley, K., & Fisher, S. (2014). Ditching the desks: Kinesthetic learning in college classrooms. The Social Studies, 105(6), 301- 309. doi:10.1080/00377996.2014.951471
National Board, (2016). What teachers know and should be able to do. Second Edition.
Retrieved from
National Council of Teachers of English. (2010). Preparing, inducting and retaining English Language Arts teachers. Retrieved from
National Education Association. (2014). Time for a change: Diversity in teaching revisited.
Retrieved from
Program of Intergroup Relations. (2016) "Debate vs. Dialogue vs. Discussion." University of Michigan Edward Ginsberg Center. The Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning
Public Science Project. (2014). Participatory action research as public science. Retrieved from
Randels, J. (2005) “The story circle.” Education Week.
Rich, A. (1993). From What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics. Parnassus: Poetry in Review, 18/19(2/1), 9.
Rivera-Servera, Ramón H. (2012). Performing queer Latinidad: Dance, sexuality,
politics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Rodgers, C. R. (2002). Seeing student learning: Teacher change and the role of reflection. Harvard educational review, 72(2), 230.
Saidi, A., N. Mullen, M. Danishand & J. Lee (2015). Detroit Future Schools Guide to humanizing schooling. Detroit, MI: Detroit Future Schools & Allied Media Projects.
Shams, L., & Seitz, A. R. (2008). Benefits of multisensory learning. Trends in cognitive sciences, 12(11), 411-417.
Smolcic, E., & Katunich, J. (2017). Teachers crossing borders: A review of the research into cultural immersion field experience for teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 62, 47-59.
Taylor, E. W. (2017). Transformative learning theory. In Transformative learning meets bildung (pp. 17-29). SensePublishers, Rotterdam.
Torre, M.E., Fine, M., Stoudt, B. & Fox, M. (2012). Critical participatory action research as public science. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Volume 2 (171-184). American Psychological Association.
West, A. (2017). “In the school, not of the school:” Co-performing critical literacies with English Amped. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Wittrup, A. R., Hussain, S. B., Albright, J. N., Hurd, N. M., Varner, F. A., & Mattis, J. S. (2019). Natural mentors, racial pride, and academic engagement among black adolescents: Resilience in the context of perceived discrimination. Youth & Society, 51(4), 463-483.
Wong, N. T., Zimmerman, M. A., & Parker, E. A. (2010). A typology of youth participation and empowerment for child and adolescent health promotion. American journal of community psychology, 46(1-2), 100-114.
Zeiser, K., Scholz, C., & Cirks, V. (2018) Maximizing student agency: Implementing and measuring student-centered learning practices. Boston: American Institutes for Research.
Zeldin, S., Krauss, S. E., Collura, J., Lucchesi, M., & Sulaiman, A. H. (2014). Conceptualizing and measuring youth–adult partnership in community programs: A cross national study. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54(3-4), 337-347.